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The Conscious Molecule

// An Immersive Evolutionary DocXP

The follow-up to the cult classic documentary, DMT: The Spirit Molecule! The Conscious Molecule (TCM) invites you to explore and participate with the Universal mind, encoded and embossed with information, a journey throughout space-time and within mind-matter.

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TCM builds upon several stylistic elements that its predecessor initiated. The thought-provoking interviews, conceptual imagery, and cutting edge visual effects weave a multidimensional journey that works on many layers of audience perception.


A new documentary experience

Watch and learn through the immersive story and community game. - patterns that perpetuate

Kickstarter Backer Benefits


Exclusive Events

Psy-Phi Saloon_v4 Crop Thumb.jpg

Access to livestreams on the project’s status and invites to special events

Backstage Pass 


BTS footage of interviews from The Spirit Molecule and The Conscious Molecule

Unreleased Content


Hundreds of hours of unreleased content and footage from the Uniphi Studio archives

Join the Conscious Evolution

The Conscious Molecule invites you to explore and participate with the Universal mind, encoded and embossed with information, from micro to the macro -- how a molecule connects biology and quantum entanglement. We aim to tell the entire story arc during our 30-day campaign with limited edition art and storyboards.

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