About Us
US aspires to broaden humanity’s understanding about our collective-self within the Cosmos by organizing an investigation into consciousness. We envision an emergent storyverse (cosmic mirror) of next-gen art, immersive experiences, and ongoing R&D.
From the research to the book to the cult classic documentary...this molecule brought us together to help tell its story. The past-present-future converge and emerge...

Uniphi’s collective operates with a core team, various collaborators, extended networks, and a passionate community. Deep gratitude for our collaborators whose influence, ideas, design, and art comprise this website and overall experience.
Uniphi’s collective operates with a core team, various collaborators, extended networks, and a passionate community.
Story & MissionMission Explore the phenomenal worlds of consciousness to play with information, complexity and paradox. Uniphi Studio is founded upon a multidisciplinary research-based understanding of the evolution of human values, complex systems, and change dynamics. In the current global context of emerging disruptive technologies and the decline of social systems designed pre-Internet, we believe that accelerating the uptake of leading-edge thinking and systems minimizes the adverse effects of rapid global change. We want to expand the conversation on consciousness through incorporating cutting edge developments and expressing them through innovative artworks.
VisionUniphi Studio selects to broaden humanity’s understanding about our place/function within the world/cosmos by exploring and organizing a collective investigation into consciousness. We envision a decentralized storyverse (cosmic mirror) of next-gen art, immersive experiences, and ongoing R&D fueled by a thriving community of XR Metanauts. A story and substrate co-created with a collection of tools to navigate the DMT metaverse.
The Spirit Molecule & The Conscious MoleculeThe upcoming feature documentary explores consciousness as fundamental and ubiquitous in the Universe. The intersection of new research, the endogenous nature of DMT in the human body, and the DMT experience provides intriguing insights into the enigma of consciousness. Could this mystifying molecule hold the key to understanding the very nature of reality?
TCM & Tech Roadmap2022 - Begin TCM Production LA - TCM UK Interviews (ESPD 55) 2023 - US TCM Production - Produce Podcast & Live Events - Shoot TCM Host & Begin Post-Production - Post-Production on Proof-of-Concept 2024 - PsyPhi Lab Community App - Metanaut Drop - Release TCM
OverviewUniphi Studio is a Decentralized Media Studio that uses a systems-approach with our overall strategy (education, storytelling, community, communications…) and media production (feature docs, shorts, images, music, apps…). Story-bits (digital assets) are the heart and soul of our storyverse architecture and function as narrative devices, asset ownership, community membership and future XR experiences. These evolving interfaces allow us to manifest our creative vision, generate resources, and foster communal feedback loops. A nexus of art, tech, science, culture, and the entire human (universal) story. Uniphi Studio is also a network of digital ecosystems composed of Story-nodes that generate an evolving narrative. Imagine a seamless UX/UI to navigate concepts, themes, and content (RMX tools). The users and tech become the ‘story’ by using computational design to create and code a fully integrated AI storyverse.
EcosystemThe ecosystem comprises a decentralized digital platform providing a cohesive 'network of networks'.
ExperienceUniphi is also a network of digital ecosystems composed of story-bits that generate an evolving narrative. Imagine a seamless UX/UI to navigate concepts, themes, and content (RMX tools). The users and tech become the ‘story’ by using computational design to create and code a fully integrated AI storyverse.
GovernancePsyPhi Lab is a DAO community organization and governance mechanism for the ecosystem and platform development. The collective members participate, develop, and create future projects, impact campaigns, and R&D. Founded upon a transdisciplinary research-based understanding of the evolution of human values, complex systems, and change dynamics; we explore a convergence of the physical world, evolving virtual realms, passionate communities and decentralized economies. Focus: Art Initiatives & Grants, Decriminalization Protocols, Psychedelic Integration Therapy & Healing Infrastructure, and Research Funding
Roadmap2022 - TCM Production LA - TCM UK Interviews (ESPD 55) 2023 - US TCM Production - Produce Podcast & Live Events - Shoot TCM Host & Begin Post-Production - Post-Production on Proof-of-Concept 2024 - PsyPhi Lab Community App - Metanaut Drop - Release TCM
OverviewThe collective community is composed of artists, architects, scientists, programmers, engineers, mathematicians, technologists, philosophers, mystics, curious travelers, and various change agents. We aim to hack the endo-matrix of life and foster the core tenets of…We seek to enhance our collective ability to communicate and access knowledge systems that evolve our understanding of consciousness, and the interaction between mind, experience and meaning. The global community examines, remixes, shares, collaborates and learns collectively. The process allows our community to generate a new collective memory by deconstructing and reconstructing our traditional symbol sets, and birthing meta-realities to reflect on our communal knowledge with more abstract methods.
PSYPHI Lab (DAO)Uniphi Studio & PsyPhi Lab is the convergence of the physical world, evolving virtual realms, passionate communities and decentralized economies. A strange-attractor for next-gen art and experiential digital assets that emerge from our long-form work; an extension of human experience and cognition. PsyPhi lab digital space is to explore, gather, exchange, and collaborate, and decentralized tech allows our team to retain our creative vision and foster direct feedback loops with the community. Decentralized media organization, fully integrated financing, production, and distribution. Creating a strange attractor to build our resources. the relationship between the self and the world through art. Decentralized Studio: financing, production, distribution, curation & exhibition Products: Film, music, games, immersive experiences, generative art/stories Services/access/participation: Podcasts, conferences, festivals, salons, members only clubs, parties focused crowdsourcing, AMA, Personal consultation Focus: Build a place to explore consciousness, exchange assets, and collaborate on unifying experiences, encoded with deep meaning. Develop a GenArt community with a reputation economy. Gather at digital & IRL events, empower participants with knowledge and visionary art, infused with gamification techniques in real-world communities Tools: Emergent Storytelling Framework & Interface - Immersive Media Asset Generator - Decentralized Asset Publishing Longterm: Art Initiatives & Grants, Psychedelic Integration Therapy & Healing Infrastructure, and Research Funding, Decriminalization & Harm Reduction Protocols (including safe use sites & real-time peer support lines)
Community Discussion Topics & Streams of Consciousness- What is the mind of the Universe, Earth or Human? - What are the links between time, gravity, industrial revolution, electromagnetism, Relativity, quantum mechanics, information and ultimately consciousness? https://www.iflscience.com/brain/how-psychedelics-alter-consciousness/all/ Educational sciences, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics). - Conscious entertainment focused on the future #art, #AR/MR, #architecture, #biomimetics, #complex systems, #communications, #computational creativity, #consciousness, #data visualization, #deep learning, #design, #environment, #evolution, #futurism, #interfaces, #meta-mythology, #music, #open source, #semiotics, #storytelling technology
Community & Tech: Design Principles- Flow with natural (inner and outer) cycles across all scales (persons…cultures, physical…emotional). Explore the inside of out, and the outside of in. - Synchronize human dynamics, our conscious systems, and technology. - Know and flow with inevitable change and transformations. - Connect the past and future through the present. - Utilize feedback and feed forward loops to organize. - Morph and generate naturally as life changes or novel challenges arise. - Utilize multiple intelligences to envision and produce multiple objectives. - Seamlessly interlink (foresight, function, form, fit, focus, flow, fulfillment, fun and future). - Interweave quality, safety, and communication flows into all systems and structures. - Align governence and leadership in a systematic, interdependent way. - Mesh all community aspects: i. Noble purpose and transcendent goals - ii. Sound principles and efficient processes - iii. Responsible profit with multiple use cases - iv. Sensitivity to people and societal needs - v. Respect for the natural ecology of the planet and systems